연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Korea-Taiwan Joint Symposium: Functional Polymers for Future Applications (English)
발표장 제7회장 (103)
논문코드 1L7-8
발표일 2018-10-11
발표시간 17:00-17:30
논문제목 A microneedle platform for controlled drug delivery and point-of-care diagnostics
발표자 양승윤
발표자 소속 부산대학교
저자 양승윤
소속 부산대학교
논문초록 Microneedles (MNs) have been extensively exploited as a painless method for transdermal drug delivery and diagnostic point-of-care testing. In part 1 of my talk, I will present a biodegradable, swellable MN enabling shear-induced embedding inside skin following a distal swelling of MN tips by absorbing body fluids. The swellable MNs of 80~90% were embedded into the skin with a superior barrier function by tight sealing of punctured holes. For potential applications, the embeddable MNs were investigated for promoting hair growth. In part 2, I will introduce a sensitive detection platform using nanoporous MNs providing a rapid capture of biomarkers present at sub-nanogram level. The uniform nanopore arrays on the MN surface was prepared by a controlled anodization process and then the nanoporous MNs were functionalized by the immobilization of biomarker-specific antibody to detect estrogen, known as a biomarker of preeclampsia, based on an immunoassay method.